Are Green Lipped Mussels Good For Dogs? (FREE Sample Pack)

Are Green Lipped Mussels Good For Dogs


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You might be wondering whether Green Lipped Mussels are good for dogs.

The simple and direct answer is, yes.

But what exactly are the health benefits? Why are Green Lipped Mussels so good for dogs? And which type of Green Lipped Mussels should you feed them?

In this article, we will explain a bit more about the key benefits of Green Lipped Mussels and which types are best to feed to your dog.

Read to the end to find out how you can get a free pack of Green Lipped Mussels for your dog today!

Why Are Green Lipped Mussels Good for Dogs?

Green Lipped Mussels are absolutely loaded with essential nutrients for your dog’s health!

Green Lipped Mussels are a great source of Omega-3. Zinc, Magnesium, Glucosamine, Chondroitin, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, and amino acids.

This makes them a superfood for dogs and a great addition to your dog’s daily meals, or occasional treat for behaving well.

Benefits of Green Lipped Mussels for Dogs

Omega-3 for Dogs

Omega-3s are known as ‘essential fatty acids’ and are one of the most important nutrients for your dog’s wellbeing. Here are some benefits of Omega-3s in Green Lipped Mussels for dogs:

Reduces Arthritis Inflammation – Omega 3s are highly effective for older dogs with arthritis. It can significantly reduce discomfort and severity of inflammation in joints.

Helps Dry and Flaky Skin – Omega-3s are particularly useful for reducing skin inflammation that results in itchiness and a poor quality coat for dogs of all ages.

Boosts Immune Strength – Omega-3s boost your dog’s overall immune strength which can reduce the risk of common health complications like ear yeast infections.

Improves Heart Health – Omega 3 has positive effects on heart function and is able to help lower blood pressure. Dogs getting a healthy dose of Omega-3 may reduce their chances of developing an irregular heart rhythm, otherwise known as ‘arterial fibrillation.’

Supports Brain Development in Puppies – it has been shown that puppies eating foods high in Omega 3s performed better in tests that involved memory, balance, and coordination.

Vitamin B12 for Dogs

Green Lipped Mussels are high in Vitamin B12 (also called Cobalamin) which enables your dog to absorb Iron. Dogs with a lack of Vitamin B12 may develop anaemia which causes a general lack of energy, weakness, and loss of appetite among other problems.

Vitamin B12 also supports your dog’s brain and spinal cord to work properly.

Vitamin D for Dogs

Vitamin D is an important nutrient which helps your dog balance minerals like calcium and phosphorus in their body. This is essential to maintaining healthy bones.

Us hoomans can get a healthy dose of Vitamin D from the sun, but this is not the case for dogs. Some pet owners go and buy expensive Vitamin D supplements for their dogs, but this is not the only way…

Ocean sourced treats like Green Lipped Mussels, Mackerel and Whole Sardines for dogs are a natural source of Vitamin D. They contain the right amount of Vitamin D, enough to be beneficial but not excessive.

Glucoasmine for Dogs

Glucosamine found in Green Lipped Mussels regulates the production of collagen in cartilage, the stuff found in your dog’s joints.. So glucosamine pretty much helps to keep your dog’s joints in good health for longer. It can reduce inflammation, help lubricate the joints, and prevent further deterioration from occurring.

Are Green Lipped Mussels Good for Dogs With Allergies?

Yes! Since Green Lipped Mussels are a great source of Omega-3 essential oils, they can help to reduce inflammation of your dog’s skin and reduce itchiness.

However, if your dog is a breed that is prone to pancreatitis like mini-Schnauzers, we’d recommend feeding Green Lipped Mussels and other fish based treats in moderation.

If your dog has IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease), or experiences an easily upset stomach, then we’d also suggest trying Green Lipped Mussels in moderation first, starting with half a piece per day.

Our 100g packs of Green Lipped Mussels are a great place to start.

Dehydrated Green Lipped Mussels for Dogs

Green Lipped Mussels offered to dogs should contain little to no sodium and no additional flavours as they may cause other health complications for your dog.

Our freeze dried Green Lipped Mussels are a super popular treats for dogs right across Australia. Dog owners commonly them our “chubby mussels” because the individual pieces are so big!

How Many Mussels Should I Feed My Dog?

When starting out you can feed you dog just half a Green Lipped Mussel per day and work up to an entire one each day. That’s really about enough though.

Green Lipped Mussels Dog Treats 2
Green Lipped Mussels Natural Dog Treats

Can Dogs Eat Canned Green Lipped Mussels? (MUST READ)

There are plenty of varieties of canned Green Lipped Mussels available in the supermarket. They might taste good to us hoomas, but the important question is, are they good for dogs?

Dogs cannot eat canned Green Lipped Mussels in brine or with any flavours added like onions, garlic, or spices.

Pay close attention to the amount of sodium (salt) in store bought canned mussles. While salt is tasty for humans and OK in moderation, a typical 15kg dog only needs about 100mg (0.1 grams) of sodium per day.

Too much sodium can heavily dehydrate your dog, causing other illnesses, or even lead to sodium poisoning. This is something you definitely want to avoid.

We’d recommend avoiding mussels canned in vegetable oils or brine (salt water). You could consider those in plain spring water but be sure to read the contents carefully.

FREE Mussels for Your Dog?

Yeah, we know. Sounds crazy right?

Place any order for our yummy natural treats over $70 in total get a FREE pack of Green Lipped Mussels + FREE shipping Australia-wide. Enter code “GLM” at cart or checkout to redeem.

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